In Search of the Lord's Way - "The Searchlight" Newsletter

From: "Monthly Newsletter" <newsletter@PROTECTED>
Subject: In Search of the Lord's Way - "The Searchlight" Newsletter
Date: January 31st 2025

To whom it may concern: ,

Thank you for requesting our newsletter by email.  Attached is your copy of the February "Searchlight".

Alternatively you can download the newsletter from our website  The schedule pages in the newsletter will link you to our online schedule. We hope you will take time to find the program in your area or online and encourage your friends to watch the program each week.

If you are connected with Facebook please help us promote the program by sharing our weekly "teaser" video.  Simply like our Facebook page located here:, look for the video posted every Friday, and share the link with your friends. You can also like and subscribe to our YouTube channel, "SearchTVMinistry" for more content or listen to the program on Spotify or your favorite podcast app.

Thank you and God bless,

Craig Dodgen

  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This list is for those who wish to receive our monthly newsletter, "The Searchlight." Emails will come on or about 1st of each month. This electronic version of our newsletter will contain links and other bonus information about the work at "In Search of the Lord's Way."

Privacy Policy:

We have a firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of the address you provided when you subscribed. We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information for any reason.