Other Resources

Sermon Series

Follow this link to the PDF versions of the Sermon Series Booklet both current and from years gone by. Please note that many of the older books are no longer available in print version and can only be recieved via download.

Worship That Pleases God

“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:23-24). Follow this link to download a study on worship and worshipers that God wants.

Upon the Rock Beginner's Bible Study

Follow this link for the Upon the Rock Bible Series. This is a six lesson course designed to help interested people find the will of God for their lives. Feel free to download, copy and share these studies with anyone who is interested in learning and doing God's will.

Bible Reading Guide

This Bible reading guide was first mentioned by Mack in December of 2007. It offers readings on a weekly schedule rather than day by day, so you can pace yourself as you wish. Completion of the full 52 week reading will take you through the complete Bible, once through the Old Testament and twice through the New Testament.

Daily Devotional Booklet

This devotional guide will take you all the way through the Bible day by day in a year's time. It was written by Phil Sanders in 2009. It is suitable for daily personal study or for use as a family devotional guide.

Evangelism Handbook of New Testament Christianity

The Evangelism Handbook of New Testament Christianity was created out of a need for resource material to teach God's word in Russia. It's sole purpose is to provide quick reference material for those who evangelize and teach. It covers many topics from the conversion process to questions dealing with daily Christian living.

Designed by God

An illustrated PDF of the program, "Designed by God." This paper takes a look at the complexities of creation and the God that created it all. This paper provides several reasons to believe that we exist due to the intelligent design of God. It also shows the fallacies of evolutionary theory and reveals a number of hoaxes evolutionists have used to try to support their theory.

Becoming a Christian

You should carefully consider the importance of becoming a Christian. It is more serious than the purchase of a house or getting married. It is the critical decision affecting your eternal destiny. Because of this, the decision to become a Christian is not for little children. It requires serious thought, a change of life, and the willingness to make a total commitment. It is the most serious decision you will ever make. This PDF is written to help those considering baptism and is designed to help one navigate the scriptures for the truth.

Campaign Booklet

This PDF contains material designed to help those on campaign. It will help to first open doors and open hearts for Bible study. Bible study materials are included.