2025 Program Materials

Sermon topics and materials for viewing or download are listed weekly and grouped by month. The links for each week are, in order: Audio, Video, Transcript and Study Guide. Click to play audio or video. The links directly under the month heading comprise all of the month's topics, transcripts or study guides in one collection. Any of the links may be downloaded (right-click) for your personal use.



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Use these links for a PDF of the entire month's transcripts

1.5.25 – "Authority"

If Jesus is Lord, does that mean He has authority over my life? How does He rule in my life and how do we know what He wants us to be and do? Does it matter whether I serve the Lord Jesus?

1.12.25 – "Back to the Bible"

Why should we go back to the Bible? Isn’t the Bible an ancient book, and how can it have authority over my faith and life today? Does what the Bible have to say matter? How do we go back to the Bible in the 21st century?

1.19.25 – "Accountable to God"

One day, when your life is over, you must give account to God for how you’ve lived, how you think, how you treat others, and how you talk. We must realize we are accountable to God for how we live in the present.

1.26.25 – "Obedience"

What does it mean to obey the Lord, and does the Lord expect us to obey Him strictly? Can I substitute what I like for what God commands? If I follow religious leaders, have I followed God and obeyed His will?



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Use these links for a PDF of the entire month's transcripts

2.2.25 – "Seed in Our Hearts"

The seed of the kingdom is the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the seed is sown, it can produce fruit if we receive it with receive it with good and honest hearts. Sadly, not everyone is willing to listen or to hold fast to the gospel message.

2.9.25 – "Healthy Christianity"

What makes a Christian healthy biblically and practically is listening and loving the Lord and His ways. Healthy Christians make healthy churches, but unhealthy Christians cause chaos and lead the lost to reject the church.

2.16.25 – "The Greatest Love"

There can be no greater love than for person to give his life for his friends. This is exactly what Jesus did for us. He sacrificed Himself so that we might be forgiven and live eternally in heaven with Him.

2.23.25 – "Our Words"

How we speak matters to those who hear. We must learn to speak in such a way as to be a blessing to all who know us. Christians should speak with grace to others so they may influence them to love the Lord.