2024 Program Materials

Sermon topics and materials for viewing or download are listed weekly and grouped by month. The links for each week are, in order: Audio, Video, Transcript and Study Guide. Click to play audio or video. The links directly under the month heading comprise all of the month's topics, transcripts or study guides in one collection. Any of the links may be downloaded (right-click) for your personal use.



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1.7.24 – "What God Has Done"

We must realize that every joy and blessing comes from God. “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1:17).

1.14.24 – "The Gift of Love"

God’s gift of love appears to us in every way. This love especially comes to us in Jesus Christ our Lord, who suffered for our sins that He might bring us to the Father and give us eternal life. What wondrous love!

1.21.24 – "Meant for Good"

Not everything that happens to us is good. We all face struggles and heartaches, but God has the power to turn the things that are harsh into something that helps and is good. We can trust God to help us in our struggles.

1.28.24 – "But He Lied"

Many today imagine what you believe doesn’t matter if you love Jesus, but believing a lie can lead to irreparable harm. In this lesson we see how a religious man believed a lie, failed to obey God, and lost his life.



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2.4.24 – "Who Is Jesus?"

No one in all of history is like Jesus Christ, but who is this Jesus who loved us and died upon a cross? The New Testament describes Jesus by titles and descriptions that reveal who He is and why He came to earth.

2.11.24 – "Examine Yourselves"

Paul asked the church at Corinth, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.” Perhaps we too should take an inventory of our spiritual lives and character. What might we see?

2.18.24 – "A Sin-Sick Soul"

Many today are sick and may not know it! I’m not speaking physically but spiritually. People who have allowed sin habits to form in their lives are opening their lives to much harm, and they desperately need the Lord to save them.

2.25.24 – "Freedom in Christ"

Paul said in Galatians 6:1, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free.” Many think Christianity restricts us and has too many rules, but true Christianity frees us from sin and opens the door to a new life!



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3.3.24 – "We Need God Again"

When America separated from Great Britain, they realized how desperately they needed God to be with them. In our culture of declining morals, we too must awaken to our desperate need for the God of heaven to be with us.

3.10.24 – "What God Wants for Me"

As parents Jackie and I wanted to give our children the very best we could, because we loved them. In the same way our Father in Heaven wants to meet our needs and give us the best life possible.

3.17.24 – "Spiritual and Religious"

A recent Pew poll revealed that while many Americans (41%) seek to be more spiritual, fewer (24%) seek to be religious. In fact, over time a third of all Americans have become less spiritual. Being spiritual and being right with God are not alike.

3.24.24 – "Walking with God"

How we walk (or live our lives) is important. While many decide to walk their own path, the Lord Jesus wants us to walk with Him. Are you walking in the light or darkness? We hope you are walking in the light.

3.31.24 – "Our Adversary"

We have an adversary who is willing to use any strategy or lie to overcome us spiritually. We should know our enemy and be ready to fight against him. Thankfully we have the Lord who will help us when we are tempted.



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4.7.24 – "I Know I Am Loved"

When you have Christ in your life, you can say, “I know I am loved.” Even if you feel unloved by others and by the world, you can see the love of Christ, who suffered upon the cross to bring you to God.

4.14.24 – "I Have a New Life"

You can start over again with a new and better life. The Lord causes every person who becomes a Christian to be born again. Yes, every person who obeys the gospel is born again. You can have a new life!

4.21.24 – "I Can Know the Answer"

There is so much uncertainty in this world and questions that seem to have no answer. But when you have Christ, you can know the truth that will set you free from doubts and fears prevalent in this world.

4.28.24 – "I Have Hope for Heaven"

When you have Christ, you have hope and a promise of life beyond with the Lord Jesus. One day Christians will enjoy the place prepared and kept for them, a place that is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away.



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5.5.24 – "Back to the Bible"

What the Lord has caused to be written in Scripture never loses its authority. It stands written. The Scriptures had authority in the first century and will have authority in this 21st century. Let’s go back to the Bible.

5.12.24 – "One Body"

Did you know the New Testament emphasizes Christ has only one body. We are not talking here about His physical body but His spiritual body, the church. Yes, Jesus built and purchased His one body, the church.

5.19.24 – "Till Death Do Us Part"

Marriages that last a lifetime are becoming rarer these days. Staying faithful to one’s spouse remains a challenge, but people can remain married fifty years and beyond when they choose to love God and love each other.

5.26.24 – "Devoted Christianity"

Early Christians were devoted to their faith in Jesus Christ. It was not a weekly observance but a daily commitment to serving the Lord. They took their faith seriously and would not let anything move them from their devotion to the Lord Jesus.



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6.2.24 – "Fearing the Lord"

Many people no longer care whether there is a God, but is this wise? In this lesson we’re exploring what it means to fear the Lord, the values of fearing the Lord, and our need to fear Him.

6.9.24 – "Wisdom"

In the Old Testament wisdom describes the practical skills associated with living a successful life pleasing to God. It reveals a willingness to listen to what God says and apply it to our lives, so that we may enjoy the blessing of God.

6.16.24 – "Foolishness"

The fool described in Scripture is one who denies or ignores God and His teaching. He lives for himself and is unwilling to listen to the wise teaching of God. When the fool is rebuked, he hardens his heart against God.

6.23.24 – "Truth"

We sometimes hear people speak about “my truth” and “your truth”; but is there is a truth that is greater than an individual’s conclusion? Can people deceive themselves about life, sin, and the judgment?

6.30.24 – "The "Musts" of Christianity"

The little word “must” is often forgotten in today’s religious society, but the New Testament uses the Greek word for “must” nearly one hundred times. Christianity makes demands on us, and there are things we must do.



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7.7.24 – "One Another"

Christians have many obligations toward one another in addition to gathering and worshiping at the church building. We must love and serve one another! We must help each other to remain faithful to our calling.

7.14.24 – "Is God Active Today?"

Some think God must be asleep today or has forgotten us, but God is still very active in our world today. God is watching over His people, caring for them, and providing for their needs. Are you allowing God to work in your life?

7.21.24 – "The New Covenant"

According to the promise in Jeremiah 31, the old covenant with Israel has now been replaced with a new covenant in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 8:6-12). This new covenant is established by the blood of Jesus Christ.

7.28.24 – "Are You Persuaded?"

Paul’s preaching in the book of Acts revealed his determination to persuade the Gentiles to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. People today also need to be persuaded in their hearts and minds.



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8.4.24 – "What Happens at Death"

No one lives forever, but what will happen to us when we die? Each of us must face this event in our lives, so knowing what will happen and preparing for the afterlife is vitally important.

8.11.24 – "The Resurrection"

What is the resurrection and when will we be raised? How will the resurrection affect me personally? What kind of body will we have in the resurrection? In this lesson, we’ll explore what the Bible says about resurrection.

8.18.24 – "The Judgment"

Since each of us will one day face Judgment, we need to know Who will judge us, what the basis of that judgment will be, and how we can prepare for the Judgment Day. Will you be ready for that day?

8.25.24 – "Heaven"

Every faithful Christian longs to live eternally in heaven with God. Heaven is a blessed place free from the pain and the sin found in this world. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life may enter.



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9.1.24 – "Someday I Will"

We often set our minds to do something, but we never get around to doing it. Procrastination is a problem we all face, but there comes a time when we can no longer put off what we must do to be right with God.

9.8.24 – "The Blood of Christ"

Have you ever wondered what the cross means to Christians? We could not enjoy the grace of God were it not for the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for our sins. We thank God Jesus was willing to die for us.

9.15.24 – "Gethsemane"

Have you ever been so troubled and brokenhearted you wished you could die? That was the heart of Jesus on the night before He suffered. He faced the toughest of times but chose to do the will of the Father.

9.22.24 – "The Mercy of God"

When our sins finally catch up to us, we realize how much we desperately need the mercy of God. God’s mercy and compassion are the reasons He reached out to a world lost in sin and needing forgiveness.

9.29.24 – "Freedom in Christ"

Paul said, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free.” Some think Christianity is a harsh life, but the Lord set us free from the guilt and consequences of sin. Christians are free to do good, to bless others, and to live eternally.



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10.6.24 – "Know Your Bible"

The Bible is a library of 66 inspired books that come from God Himself. They were written by about 40 authors over a period of 1500 years. They teach us what God wills for our lives and how we can show Him our love.

10.13.24 – "Understanding Your Bible"

To understand the Bible we must know what the authors of the 66 books were saying to their original readers. We need to understand the language, context, and historical background of each book.

10.20.24 – "What the Bible Says"

Many believe what they think the Bible says and yet have never studied it for themselves. The Scriptures give us many truths necessary for us to know. Since we will be judged by Scripture, we need to know what it says.

10.27.24 – "What the Bible Doesn't Say"

Human traditions and doctrines of religious groups often fill people’s minds with things they think the Bible teaches. We need to know if the Bible really teaches these things. We are searching for the Lord’s will and the truth.



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11.3.24 – "Citizenship as Christians"

When it’s time to elect government officials, should Christians get involved? If Christians never get involved in electing godly people, then ungodly people will have little trouble getting ungodly people elected.

11.10.24 – "Morals Matter"

Do morals matter in our culture? In a world where many people believe that morality is circumstantial rather than determined by God, people believe they can do as they please. God, however, will have the last say in matters of morality.

11.17.24 – "Being With Christ"

Being with Christ is so much better than being without Him. In this lesson we will explore the joy and the blessing of having a close, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. In Christ we have blessings now and blessings in the life to come.

11.24.24 – "In Uncertain Times"

What should we do in these uncertain times? How can we give thanks? Life is filled with questions we cannot answer at the present. When we are uncertain, we must learn to trust in God and lean upon Him.



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12.1.24 – "True Worship"

People often want to tell us how they feel about worship these days, but we want to ask the question, “What does God want from our worship?” Worship must take into account the desires of God who is being worshiped.

12.8.24 – "The Way to Peace"

In these uncertain and chaotic times, peace is important to us all. Peace with God, with others, and within our souls can be one of the greatest blessings of all. The Scriptures teach us how to find peace.

12.15.24 – "Grieving"

The loss of a loved one can truly be a traumatic event. The Scriptures describe many examples of grieving. Thankfully, God gives us hope when we grieve by reminding us of our resurrection and the second coming.

12.22.24 – "Because of Jesus"

When Jesus came to this world, He brought peace and goodwill to all men. We can hardly number all the blessings Jesus brought to us by becoming flesh, forgiving our sins, and giving us eternal life with Him in heaven.

12.29.24 – "The Way"

The Lord Jesus declared in John 14:6 that He is “the way.” He is indeed the way we live, the way we treat others, and the only way to draw close to our Father in heaven. Living “my way” is not the same as following the one true way.