2013 Program Materials

Sermon topics and materials for viewing or download are listed weekly and grouped by month. The links for each week are, in order: Audio, Video, Transcript and Study Guide. Click to play audio or video. The links directly under the month heading comprise all of the month's topics, transcripts or study guides in one collection. Any of the links may be downloaded (right-click) for your personal use.



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In order to be right with God, there are several things we must come to know about God and our responsibilities toward Him. Our greatest blessing is to know the Lord Jesus and to be His followers.

1.13.13 – "MEANT FOR GOOD"

The events of our lives can sometimes be both harsh and a mystery to us. We don’t know at the time why bad things happen. However, time has a way of helping us to see the hand of the Lord working in our lives.

1.20.13 – "WALKING BY FAITH"

“We walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). We want to do more than look at life from a human perspective; we want to live with God’s revealed will in our hearts. God helps us see more than with our eyes.

1.27.13 – “WHATEVER”

Our world has grown increasingly indifferent to God and His ways. Someone has called this the “whatever” generation that seems undisturbed about anything. We may ignore God, but no one can ignore God for long.



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2.3.13 – "THE ANSWER IS GOD"

In order to be right with God, there are several things we must come to know about God and our responsibilities toward Him. Our greatest blessing is to know the Lord Jesus and to be His followers.

2.10.13 – "GOD’S LOVE FOR US"

The events of our lives can sometimes be both harsh and a mystery to us. We don’t know at the time why bad things happen. However, time has a way of helping us to see the hand of the Lord working in our lives.

2.17.13 – "OUR LOVE FOR GOD"

“We walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). We want to do more than look at life from a human perspective; we want to live with God’s revealed will in our hearts. God helps us see more than with our eyes.


Our world has grown increasingly indifferent to God and His ways. Someone has called this the “whatever” generation that seems undisturbed about anything. We may ignore God, but no one can ignore God for long.



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In this program we’ll inductively explore what the Bible teaches about Christian baptism from the epistles. We’ll also answer some of the misunderstandings people have about the New Testament teaching on baptism.

3.10.13 – "LOVING OTHERS"

One of the ways we love God is by loving others. When the world seeks for true Christianity, they look first for a loving spirit among brethren. The great challenge of life is to love others the way Jesus loved us.

3.17.13 – "BUT HE LIED"

Many people think it doesn’t matter what you believe, but this notion contains a very low view of truth. The Lord wants us to know the truth and to love the truth. We must learn to buy the truth and not sell it.

3.24.13 – "THE BLESSED MAN"

Since God is the source of all our blessings, we need to know whom God considers blessed. The world’s values and behaviors may seem to benefit people in this life, but God’s values bless a man forever.


Being in Christ and his kingdom contains a value greater than all others. When one counts the blessings of being a child of God, one quickly sees that being right with God is worth every sacrifice.



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Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” Jesus built His church, and it uniquely belongs to Him. Since He purchased it with His own blood, we should all be a part of it. We want nothing less.

4.14.13 – "JUST A CHRISTIAN"

Did you know that you can be a Christian involved in a church without being a member of any denomination? Being a member of the church like the Christians in the first century is possible. You can be just a Christian.


If I visit a church of Christ, what can I expect to find there? What do they believe? How do they worship? How are they organized? Who are the churches of Christ, and why should I want to be a member?


How does one become a member of the body of Christ, the church? Is church membership necessary to please God and be saved? What are my responsibilities as a member of the church Jesus built?



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People hunger for food and thirst for water, but there is a hunger of the soul that is just as necessary to life. We need to hunger for a right relationship with God. Only God can satisfy the hunger of the soul for righteousness.

5.12.13 – "FOR ME PERSONALLY "

Our society is in a state of moral confusion because people tend to regard sin as relative to a person’s beliefs. They say, “You might think this is wrong, but for me personally I think this behavior is okay.” Have we forgotten what God thinks?


The little word “must” is often forgotten in today’s religious society, but the New Testament uses the Greek word for “must” nearly one hundred times. Christianity makes demands on us, and there are things we must do.

5.26.13 – "A NEW HEART"

The heart is the window of the soul. When the heart becomes hardened or enslaved to sin, we need a new heart that can love God and serve Him. Many people today need a change of heart, and the path to that change is knowing God.



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When our hearts break and tragedy strikes, we desperately need the help of God to comfort and strengthen us. In tragic times, God has not abandoned or forgotten us. God doesn’t take away every pain, but He helps us through it to become better people.


While God freely gives us salvation, discipleship demands everything. To be a disciple of Christ, we must put Him first; but the privilege of discipleship is worth every sacrifice.

6.16.13 – "THE NEW COVENANT"

God predicted through the prophet Jeremiah that He would establish a new covenant with His people. Jesus established a new covenant with His blood that opened the door for all people to enter into a relationship with the Lord.

6.23.13 – "NOT ASHAMED"

Recently a celebrity said he did not want to be known as a Christian, because there is too much baggage with calling yourself a Christian. Christians must rejoice in Christ and live in a way that glorifies His name.

6.30.13 – "CONVERSION"

Salvation comes through conversion and leads to transformation. We must not be conformed to this world but be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Conversion is the right kind of change Christians need in their lives.



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7.7.13 – "LIFE"

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. God gave His Son so that we might have everlasting life. What is this everlasting life God has given to us through Jesus Christ? What does it mean to live?

7.14.13 – "HOLINESS"

Scripture encourages us to pursue holiness or the sanctification “without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). God is holy and desires His people to be holy as well, but many have lost sight of what it means to be holy.

7.21.13 – "THE BIBLE ALONE"

God has spoken to us, through His Word, a message for all time and all places. The Bible is the final authority and sufficient to teach us all we need to know in order to follow the Lord Jesus. We take the Bible for our authority, and the Bible alone.

7.28.13 – “DO NOT GO BEYOND”

The apostle Paul urged the church at Corinth not to go beyond the things that are written (1 Corinthians 4:6). When people go beyond Scripture they go into unauthorized territory and lead people astray from the truth.



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Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” Jesus built His church, and it uniquely belongs to Him. Since He purchased it with His own blood, we should all be a part of it. We want nothing less.

8.11.13 – "JUST A CHRISTIAN"

Did you know that you can be a Christian involved in a church without being a member of any denomination? Being a member of the church like the Christians in the first century is possible. You can be just a Christian.


If I visit a church of Christ, what can I expect to find there? What do they believe? How do they worship? How are they organized? Who are the churches of Christ, and why should I want to be a member?


How does one become a member of the body of Christ, the church? Is church membership necessary to please God and be saved? What are my responsibilities as a member of the church Jesus built?



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9.1.13 – "A BETTER PERSON"

We need to become the salt and the light God intended us to be. We can make our world a better place by making ourselves better people who love the Lord and live according to His teaching.


Many people feel spiritually empty because their church has changed and seems to have forgotten God. If you feel abandoned by the religious group you attend, we are offering the Biblical alternative.

9.15.13 – "SIN"

Though some don’t think so, sin is a real, spiritual problem. What are you doing about your sin? In this program we’re going to take a long look at sin and its consequences, realizing we must do something about our sin.

9.22.13 – "WHEN WE FAIL"

A lady called and said, “I’ve just made the worst mistake in my life! Is there any hope for me?” We all sin and need the forgiveness of God and His blessing. What is forgiveness and what will it do in our lives? We’ll learn what it means to be forgiven.


We rejoice greatly in the grace of God, but most folks do not know that grace is not only a gift but also a teacher. When people take seriously all that God has done for them, they will learn a new and wonderful way of life.



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10.6.13 – "God's Plan for Marriage"

In the beginning God created male and female and united them as one, making the first family. God’s plan was for husband and wife to live together in a committed, married relationship for life.

10.13.13 – "Love and Respect"

God’s message to husbands is to love their wives, and His message to wives is to love their husbands. In His wisdom, he knew what every man and woman needed to maintain a loving relationship for a lifetime.

10.20.13 – "Overcoming Hurts"

Living with those you love means learning how to deal with conflict and the hurts of life. God helps husbands and wives learn how to deal with their hurts and how to maintain a happy home in spite of our weaknesses.

10.27.13 – “Building Intimacy”

God desires that husbands and wives maintain a close, loving relationship with each other. Husbands and wives should share their hearts and lives with each other emotionally and spiritually.



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11.3.13 – "The Message of the Cross"

Though Jesus bore the cross two thousand years ago, it still has a message for us in these postmodern times. In this lesson, we’ll take a close look at what the Lord Jesus was trying to say to us through bearing the cross.

11.10.13 – "Whatever"

Our world has grown increasingly indifferent to God and His ways. Someone has called this the “whatever” generation that seems undisturbed about anything. We may ignore God, but no one can ignore God for long.

11.17.13 – "The Answer Is God"

In order to be right with God, there are several things we must come to know about God and our responsibilities toward Him. Our greatest blessing is to know the Lord Jesus and to be His followers.

11.24.13 – "God's Love"

Paul prayed that we, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. We can never learn too much about God’s love.



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12.1.13 – "Listening to God"

How seriously do you take your Bible? Did you know it’s God’s Word and can lead you to eternal life? Everyone has a great need to hear what God has to say about life, about sin, and about eternity. Are you listening?

12.8.13 – "The Origin of Life"

Dr. Jeff Miller’s new book, Science Vs. Evolution, explores how science falls far short of being able to explain the origin of life. In fact, science cannot produce any evidence for how life came to be on this earth.

12.15.13 – "This Mind in You"

Our attitudes about God matter. Many never come to know the Lord Jesus because they have set their minds on other things. The Lord wants you to love Him “with all of your mind” (Mark 12:30). How are you thinking?

12.22.13 – "Because of Jesus"

No event in history can equal the coming of the Son of God into the world. Jesus is no ordinary person! Because of Jesus, we have hope, the forgiveness of sin, and eternal life. Jesus is the greatest gift of all.

12.29.13 – "Hope"

    Hope is as necessary to the soul as oxygen is to the body. The Lord Jesus came into the world that we might have hope. Our hope in Jesus Christ is living and will not put us to shame. Let us hope in Him.